Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Am I the only one that knows how to text? You know how you'll be texting someone and the conversation will end, and if you tried to start a new one it would be awkward? So you just don't text back. Which I normally do and it all works out, it's an understandable thing to do.

WHAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND is that I won't text back and 10 minutes later I'll get text like:
"so whats up?" and I literally do not know how to answer that question. I could be traveling across the world on Leonard Nimoy's midriff and I still wouldn't be able to answer that question. I'm just one of those people who can't tell anyone what I'm doing because normally I'm doing something really boring, or I'm doing something that's too complicated that I don't want to take my fucking energy to type out what this shit is that I am doing. Why does someone even want to know what I'm doing? Are they recording it?

But I'm way too much of a shit eater so I usually say something like "Not much, you?" which is sort of like saying go fuck yourself. I didn't even want to talk to this person anyway, which makes me question why I keep giving my number to people at school. I honestly don't know why when someone asks "Do you have a phone?" I don't just say "No, I do not have a cellular phone, you shart-eating fudge bag."

People are just awful.


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