Friday, April 19, 2013


I thought I should probably make a post seeing as the last one was crafted 4 seasons and 12 tides ago. I feel like my posts could be counted as a prophecy or someone's written destiny because of how often I make posts. Someone out there will feel a deep and uncomfortable meaning behind one of my posts and search the globe to find out what happened to RuPaul's hair. They'll make many friends along the way, and they'll have to shit in the woods behind their friend's house at least twice. But their quest will be fulfilled, because they will not only discover what happened to a youth-clinging gay man's hair, but they will also discover themselves.

But back on topic, in which the topic is school (probably). A lot of people are about to take their end of the year final test/exam/destiny. My school is so excited that we are quite actually shitting ourselves. Today we even had a pep rally where 2 and a half young ladies sang a very uplifting rap about how terrific this test will be.

Oh my Christ I wanted to kill myself.

I think they said something about getting cash and dough from your parents at one point but I couldn't really hear much of a fucking word they said. Also, one of the girls glared at me for like an hour because I coughed during their rap. I can't even control my internal conflicts happening within myself because I'm sick like a dog eating throw up (that shit is nasty), however this young lady has just lectured the entire school through interpretative dance. So she had full control of everything that went down because she had the microphone and the talking stick. I mean how much power can one person have? She clearly didn't have the right to glare at me like that, but because she's probably as dense as a small sun, she instantly thinks that what I was doing was purely to be rude and disrespectful.

But anyway I just want to say good luck to anyone about to take their final test/exam/questiny. And if you have already taken your questiny go party hard because all your grades you get from this point on don't matter. Also make sure you tell all your friends who haven't taken their's all about how hard it is and how that one kid peed his pants then threw up then passed out in his throw up. People love hearing that kind of stuff right before they take a test.


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