Friday, June 14, 2013

The Adventures of BurritoMan

 Before you question my title, let me tell you a thing.

So one of our family's favorite restaurants is Taco Bell. So as a family we decided that instead of preparing a meal that we can all sit down and enjoy together, why not send the youngest and most pubescent of the ducklings out to fetch Taco Bell. So I did.

So I set out expecting nothing more than a little trip and some unwanted vocal interaction with strangers. But holy shit nah. So upon approaching the familiar glow and stank of Taco Bubble, I noticed two emergency vehicles outside of the fine establishment. One was one of those bigass police trucks that tells you "shit went down" and a fire truck because it's a fucking emergency.

I stood and watched for a minute. I had no shitting clue what to do but I really, really needed Taco Bitch badly, and the trucks were pulling away anyway. So I strode into Taco Bean to find three white women talking about what just happened. I was very curious so I asked. This is what I got:

So as these nice ladies were coming into the Taco Bell, a young gentleman knocked over the mop thing and was trying to get on the counter. He went outside and onto the streets and there was a car with the windows down, and he tried to pull the guy out of his car. He did that a few times even though his attempts to make a friend were fruitless. He then ran across the street and into a city bus to take it down town as he threw the nice woman driving it out and tried to use the bus as an escape vehicle. He was tased and put into a car by two, very large police men. He tried to get out but accidentally took his pants off. But don't worry, they got him. 

So I talked to the lady explaining it to me and made a few jokes which she laughed at none of, and I got my Taco Ballsack and went home.

The moral of the story should speak to the children: While Grand Theft Auto is really, really fun, don't do it for real, or you'll get shocked and take you're pants off too.

- Ed